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panels-pane--block.tpl.php in Drupal Commons 7.3

Adaptivetheme panel pane template.

This template has block type classes to they react to styles applied to blocks, saving the trouble of having to style multiple selectors to target blocks and panel panes. This template also makes use the attributes arrays for the wrapper and content wrapper.

Adaptivetheme variables:

  • $is_mobile: Mixed, requires the Mobile Detect or Browscap module to return TRUE for mobile. Note that tablets are also considered mobile devices. Returns NULL if the feature could not be detected.
  • $is_tablet: Mixed, requires the Mobile Detect to return TRUE for tablets. Returns NULL if the feature could not be detected.
  • $tag: top level wrapper element, section or div.

Variables available:

  • $pane->type: the content type inside this pane
  • $pane->subtype: The subtype, if applicable. If a view it will be the view name; if a node it will be the nid, etc.
  • $title: The title of the content
  • $content: The actual content
  • $links: Any links associated with the content
  • $more: An optional 'more' link (destination only)
  • $admin_links: Administrative links associated with the content
  • $feeds: Any feed icons or associated with the content
  • $display: The complete panels display object containing all kinds of data including the contexts and all of the other panes being displayed.


View source

 * @file
 * Adaptivetheme panel pane template.
 * This template has block type classes to they react to styles applied to blocks,
 * saving the trouble of having to style multiple selectors to target blocks
 * and panel panes. This template also makes use the attributes arrays for the
 * wrapper and content wrapper.
 * Adaptivetheme variables:
 * - $is_mobile: Mixed, requires the Mobile Detect or Browscap module to return
 *   TRUE for mobile.  Note that tablets are also considered mobile devices.  
 *   Returns NULL if the feature could not be detected.
 * - $is_tablet: Mixed, requires the Mobile Detect to return TRUE for tablets.
 *   Returns NULL if the feature could not be detected.
 * - $tag: top level wrapper element, section or div.
 * Variables available:
 * - $pane->type: the content type inside this pane
 * - $pane->subtype: The subtype, if applicable. If a view it will be the
 *   view name; if a node it will be the nid, etc.
 * - $title: The title of the content
 * - $content: The actual content
 * - $links: Any links associated with the content
 * - $more: An optional 'more' link (destination only)
 * - $admin_links: Administrative links associated with the content
 * - $feeds: Any feed icons or associated with the content
 * - $display: The complete panels display object containing all kinds of
 *   data including the contexts and all of the other panes being displayed.
if ($pane_prefix) {

  print $pane_prefix;

print $tag . $attributes . $id;
  <div class="block-inner clearfix">

if ($admin_links) {

  print $admin_links;



print render($title_prefix);

if ($title) {

  print $title_attributes;

  print $title;


print render($title_suffix);


if ($feeds) {
      <div class="feed">

  print $feeds;



print $content_attributes;

print render($content);


if ($links) {
      <nav class="links">

  print $links;



if ($more) {
      <div class="more-link">

  print $more;



print $tag;

if ($pane_suffix) {

  print $pane_suffix;