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function commons_entity_integration_info in Drupal Commons 7.3

Get Commons entity integration information.


$entity_type: (optional) The entity type to load, e.g. node or user.

Return value

An associative array of entity integrations whose keys define the entity type for each integration and whose values contain the bundles which have been integrated. Each bundle is itself an associative array, whose keys define the type of integration to enable and whose values contain the status of the integration. TRUE = enabled, FALSE = disabled.

9 calls to commons_entity_integration_info()
commons_follow_flag_alter in modules/commons/commons_follow/commons_follow.module
Implements hook_flag_alter().
commons_groups_get_group_content_entity_types in modules/commons/commons_groups/commons_groups.module
Returns an array of entity types that are enabled via Commons Groups.
commons_groups_get_group_types in modules/commons/commons_groups/commons_groups.module
Returns an array of entity types that are defined as a group.
commons_like_strongarm_alter in modules/commons/commons_like/commons_like.module
Implements hook_strongarm_alter().
commons_media_field_default_field_instances in modules/commons/commons_media/
Implements hook_field_default_field_instances().

... See full list


./commons.profile, line 64
Enables modules and site configuration for a Commons site installation.


function commons_entity_integration_info($entity_type = NULL, $cache = TRUE) {
  $info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!$info || !$cache) {
    $info = module_invoke_all('commons_entity_integration');
    drupal_alter('commons_entity_integration', $info);
  if ($entity_type) {
    return isset($info[$entity_type]) ? $info[$entity_type] : array();
  else {
    return $info;