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function commons_install_tasks_alter in Drupal Commons 7.3

Implements hook_install_tasks_alter().


./commons.install, line 54
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Commons install profile.


function commons_install_tasks_alter(&$tasks, $install_state) {
  global $install_state;
  $tasks['install_profile_modules']['display_name'] = st('Install Drupal Commons');

  // Skip profile selection step.
  $tasks['install_select_profile']['display'] = FALSE;

  // Skip language selection install step and default language to English.
  $tasks['install_select_locale']['display'] = FALSE;
  $tasks['install_select_locale']['run'] = INSTALL_TASK_SKIP;
  $install_state['parameters']['locale'] = 'en';

  // Override "install_finished" task to redirect people to home page.
  $tasks['install_finished']['function'] = 'commons_install_finished';