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function commons_install_tasks in Drupal Commons 7.3

Implements hook_install_tasks().


./commons.install, line 11
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Commons install profile.


function commons_install_tasks() {
  $selected_extras = variable_get('commons_selected_extras', array());
  return array(
    'commons_installer_palette' => array(
      'display_name' => st('Choose site color palette'),
      'display' => TRUE,
      'type' => 'form',
      'function' => 'commons_installer_palette',
    'commons_anonymous_message_homepage' => array(
      'display_name' => st('Enter Homepage welcome text'),
      'display' => TRUE,
      'type' => 'form',
      'function' => 'commons_anonymous_welcome_text_form',
    'commons_revert_features' => array(
      'display' => FALSE,
    'commons_install_additional_modules' => array(
      'display_name' => !empty($selected_extras['example_content']) ? st('Install example content') : st('Install additional functionality'),
      'display' => FALSE,
      'type' => 'batch',
    'commons_create_first_group' => array(
      'display_name' => st('Create the first group'),
      'display' => TRUE,
      'type' => 'form',
    'commons_rebuild_node_access' => array(
      'display' => FALSE,
      'type' => 'batch',
      'run' => !empty($selected_extras['og_access']) ? INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED : INSTALL_TASK_SKIP,
    'commons_admin_permissions' => array(
      'display' => FALSE,