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xquantity_stock.module in Commerce Extended Quantity 8


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 * @file
 * Contains xquantity_stock.module.

 * Implements hook_TYPE_alter().
 * Allows to check if stock support applies to the current product variation.
 * @see \Drupal\xquantity_stock\XquantityStockAvailabilityChecker::applies()
function xquantity_stock_xquantity_availability_applies_alter(&$applies, $entity) {

  // Apply your own logic for checking.
  // if (($entity->id() == 123) || ($entity->bundle() == 'my_variation_type_name')) {
  //   $applies = FALSE;
  // }

 * Implements hook_TYPE_alter().
 * Allows to check if the current product variation in stock.
 * @see \Drupal\xquantity_stock\XquantityStockAvailabilityChecker::check()
function xquantity_stock_xquantity_availability_check_alter(&$available, $quantity, $context) {

  // Apply your own logic for checking.
  //   if ($context['context']->getData('xquantity') && ($context['xquantity_stock']->value < 123)) {
  //     $context['entity']->set($context['xquantity_stock']->getName(), 456)->save();
  //     $available = TRUE;
  //   }

 * Implements hook_TYPE_alter().
 * Allows to alter the 'quantity is not available' error message.
 * @see \Drupal\commerce_xquantity\Form\XquantityAddTocartForm::validateForm()
 * @see \Drupal\commerce_xquantity\Form\XquantityAddTocartForm::validateForm()
function xquantity_stock_xquantity_add_to_cart_not_available_msg_alter(&$msg, $quantity, $purchased_entity) {

  // $msg = t('Sorry, the %label is not available with the quantity %quantity.', [
  //     '%quantity' => $quantity,
  //     '%label' => $purchased_entity->label(),
  //   ]);
