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function commerce_xquantity_xquantity_added_to_cart_msg_alter in Commerce Extended Quantity 8

Implements hook_TYPE_alter().

Allows to alter or remove the 'An Item added to your cart.' message.

See also




./commerce_xquantity.module, line 35
Contains commerce_xquantity.module.


function commerce_xquantity_xquantity_added_to_cart_msg_alter(&$msg, XquantityAddTocartForm $form) {

  // Alter the message using data from an order, order item or variation.
  // $msg = t('Congratulations! @entity added to <a href=":url">your cart</a>.', [
  //     @entity' => $form->getEntity()->label(),
  //     ':url' => Drupal\Core\Url::fromRoute('')->toString(),
  //   ]);
  // OR, remove the message.
  // $msg = NULL;