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function commerce_xquantity_install in Commerce Extended Quantity 8

Implements hook_install().

Update order item xquantity field storage definition.

See also


./commerce_xquantity.install, line 18
Install, update and uninstall functions for the xquantity module.


function commerce_xquantity_install() {
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory();
  $key_value = \Drupal::keyValue('entity.definitions.installed');
  $database = \Drupal::database();
  $db_schema = $database
  $all = $updated = [];
  foreach ($config
    ->listAll('core.entity_form_display.commerce_order_item.') as $id) {
    $editable = $config
    $data = $editable
    if (isset($data['targetEntityType'])) {
      $entity_type = $data['targetEntityType'];
      $field_name = 'quantity';
      $definitions = $key_value
      if (!isset($definitions[$field_name])) {
      $changes = $definitions[$field_name]
      $needs_change = $changes['precision'] != 14 && $changes['scale'] != 4;
      $changes['precision'] = 14;
      $changes['scale'] = 4;
      $tables = [
      foreach ($tables as $table) {
        if ($needs_change && $db_schema
          ->tableExists($table) && !isset($updated[$table])) {
          $updated[$table] = FALSE;

          // The table data to restore after the update is completed.
          $all[$table] = $database
            ->select($table, 'n')

          // Truncate the field table to unlock it for changes.
            ->changeField($table, $field_name, $field_name, $changes);
          $updated[$table] = TRUE;
      if (isset($data['content'][$field_name]) && $data['content'][$field_name]['type'] !== 'xnumber') {
        $data['content'][$field_name]['type'] = 'xnumber';
        $data['content'][$field_name]['settings'] += [
          'min' => '1',
          'max' => "",
          'default_value' => '1',
          'step' => '1',
          'prefix' => '',
          'suffix' => '',
          'disable_on_cart' => '0',

  // Restore earlier saved number fields data.
  foreach ($all as $table => $rows) {
    $updated[$table] = FALSE;
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        ->fields((array) $row)
    $updated[$table] = TRUE;
  if (!empty($updated) && !in_array(FALSE, $updated)) {
    $update_manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
    $entity_type = $update_manager
      ->installFieldStorageDefinition('quantity', 'commerce_order_item', 'commerce_order', XquantityOrderItem::baseFieldDefinitions($entity_type)['quantity']);
      ->addMessage(t('The order item quantity field definition has been successfully updated.'));
  else {
      ->addMessage(t("The attempt to update order item quantity field is failed. To update the field manually go to commerce_order_item table in the site's DB and edit quantity field structure changing its Length to 14,4. Then flush caches and set Xnumber field widget for each of the order item type's enabled form display modes."), 'warning');