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function commerce_webform_update_webform_submission_productfield in Commerce Webform 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 commerce_webform.module \commerce_webform_update_webform_submission_productfield()
  2. 7.2 commerce_webform.module \commerce_webform_update_webform_submission_productfield()

Update the details stored on a webform submission product field.


obj $webform_submission: The webform submission

int $order_id: The order id which paid for the order.

int $line_item_id: The line item id the product was purchased on

int $product_id: The product id which has been paid for.

int $quantity: The number purchased.

boolean $paid: TRUE if the item has now been paid for, FALSE if not yet.

3 calls to commerce_webform_update_webform_submission_productfield()
commerce_webform_mark_paid in ./
Rules action. Mark commerce webform submission as paid.
commerce_webform_order_update in ./
Rules actions. Update an order from a commerce webform update.
_commerce_webform_create_order_line_items in ./
Helper function to create new line items from the webform submission. Used by webform creation and webform update rules.


./commerce_webform.module, line 328
Commerce Webform module file


function commerce_webform_update_webform_submission_productfield($webform_submission, $order_id, $line_item_id, $product_id, $quantity, $paid) {
  $node = node_load($webform_submission->nid);
  $components = $node->webform['components'];

  // Loop through all possible webform fields looking for
  // productfields.
  foreach ($components as $key => $component) {
    if ($component['type'] == 'productfield') {

      // Loop through the product options on the product field
      // looking for the purchased product.
      foreach ($component['extra']['items'] as $product_id_option => $details) {
        if ($product_id_option == $product_id) {

          // Loop through the submission values looking for the product
          // which was just purchased.
          foreach ($webform_submission->data[$key]['value'] as $value_key => $value) {
            $value = json_decode($value);
            if (!empty($value->product_id) && $value->product_id == $product_id) {
              $value->order_id = $order_id;
              $value->line_item_id = $line_item_id;
              $value->paid = $paid;
              $webform_submission->data[$key]['value'][$value_key] = json_encode($value);

              // The following is the same as running
              // webform_submission_update() except that
              // it does not invoke the update hooks.
              // Update the main submission info.
              drupal_write_record('webform_submissions', $webform_submission, 'sid');

              // Delete all old submission component data.
                ->condition('sid', $webform_submission->sid)

              // Read submission component data.
              $webform_submission->is_new = FALSE;
              webform_submission_insert($node, $webform_submission);

              // Do NOT return - but loop through all
              // We need to find all items with this $product_id
              // and give it the $line_item_id so that when Rule
              // "Mark commerce webform as paid" is executed
              // it will also be marked as paid.