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function commerce_webform_field_extra_fields in Commerce Webform 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 commerce_webform.module \commerce_webform_field_extra_fields()
  2. 7.2 commerce_webform.module \commerce_webform_field_extra_fields()

Implements hook_field_extra_fields().


./commerce_webform.module, line 467
Commerce Webform module file


function commerce_webform_field_extra_fields() {
  $extra['commerce_order']['commerce_order']['display'] = array(
    'commerce_webform_order_view' => array(
      'label' => t('Webform submission details'),
      'description' => t('If this order is linked to any webform submissions this will display them.'),
      'weight' => 5,
  return $extra;