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function _commerce_webform_validate_order in Commerce Webform 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 \_commerce_webform_validate_order()
  2. 7.2 \_commerce_webform_validate_order()

This is a check to make sure the given order still has webform specified mandatory products in it.

1 call to _commerce_webform_validate_order()
commerce_webform_pane_checkout_form in ./
Checkout pane callback Validate the order to check all mandatory items are still in the order at checkout.


./, line 23
Checkout pane for commerce_webform module This validates an order to ensure webform mandatory productfields are still in the order.


function _commerce_webform_validate_order($order) {

  // Check order is a commerce_webform order.
  if (commerce_webform_is_commerce_webform_order($order)) {

    // Loop through productfields check for mandatory status.