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function _commerce_stripe_get_txn_capture_bool in Commerce Stripe 7.3

Used in commerce_stripe_submit_form_submit to get the capture flag for the charge.


array $payment_method: An array containing the payment_method information.

array $pane_values: An array containing values from the Commerce Stripe payment pane.

Return value

bool Returns TRUE if capture is set & FALSE for auth only.

2 calls to _commerce_stripe_get_txn_capture_bool()
commerce_stripe_cardonfile_charge in ./commerce_stripe.module
Card on file callback: background charge payment TODO: implement proper return codes per commerce payment
commerce_stripe_submit_form_submit in ./commerce_stripe.module
Payment method callback: checkout form submission.


./commerce_stripe.module, line 1862
This module provides Stripe ( payment gateway integration to Commerce. Commerce Stripe offers a PCI-compliant way to process payments straight from you Commerce shop.


function _commerce_stripe_get_txn_capture_bool($payment_method, $pane_values) {
  $txn_type = !empty($payment_method['settings']['txn_type']) ? $payment_method['settings']['txn_type'] : COMMERCE_CREDIT_AUTH_CAPTURE;

  // This handles the case when we are in the payment terminal. The
  // $pane_values contains which type of transaction chosen
  if (!empty($pane_values['txn_type'])) {
    $txn_type = $pane_values['txn_type'];

  // The capture flag in the charge takes a boolean. This simply
  // translates the txn constants to a bool.
  if ($txn_type == COMMERCE_CREDIT_AUTH_CAPTURE) {
    return TRUE;
  else {
    if ($txn_type == COMMERCE_CREDIT_AUTH_ONLY) {
      return FALSE;

  // Return TRUE by default.
  return TRUE;