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PackageTypeTest.php in Commerce Shipping 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_shipping\Functional;

use Drupal\commerce_shipping\Entity\PackageType;
use Drupal\Tests\commerce\Functional\CommerceBrowserTestBase;

 * Tests the package type UI.
 * @group commerce_shipping
class PackageTypeTest extends CommerceBrowserTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getAdministratorPermissions() {
    return array_merge([
      'administer commerce_package_type',
    ], parent::getAdministratorPermissions());

   * Tests creating a package type.
  public function testPackageTypeCreation() {
      ->clickLink('Add package type');
    $edit = [
      'label' => 'Example',
      'dimensions[length]' => '20',
      'dimensions[width]' => '10',
      'dimensions[height]' => '10',
      'dimensions[unit]' => 'in',
      'weight[number]' => '10',
      'weight[unit]' => 'oz',
      // Setting the 'id' can fail if focus switches to another field.
      // This is a bug in the machine name JS that can be reproduced manually.
      'id' => 'example',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $package_type = PackageType::load('example');
      ->assertEquals('example', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('Example', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('20', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('10', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('10', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('in', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('10', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('oz', $package_type

   * Testing editing a package type.
  public function testPackageTypeEditing() {
    $values = [
      'id' => 'edit_example',
      'label' => 'Edit example',
      'dimensions' => [
        'length' => '15',
        'width' => '15',
        'height' => '15',
        'unit' => 'm',
      'weight' => [
        'number' => 0,
        'unit' => 'g',
    $package_type = $this
      ->createEntity('commerce_package_type', $values);
      ->drupalGet('admin/commerce/config/package-types/manage/' . $package_type
    $edit = [
      'dimensions[length]' => '20',
      'weight[number]' => '2',
      'weight[unit]' => 'lb',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $package_type = PackageType::load('edit_example');
      ->assertEquals('edit_example', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('Edit example', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('20', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('15', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('15', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('m', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('2', $package_type
      ->assertEquals('lb', $package_type

   * Tests deleting a package type.
  public function testPackageTypeDeletion() {
    $package_type = $this
      ->createEntity('commerce_package_type', [
      'id' => 'for_deletion',
      'label' => 'For deletion',
      'dimensions' => [
        'length' => '15',
        'width' => '15',
        'height' => '15',
        'unit' => 'm',
      'weight' => [
        'number' => 0,
        'unit' => 'g',
      ->drupalGet('admin/commerce/config/package-types/manage/' . $package_type
      ->id() . '/delete');
      ->submitForm([], 'Delete');
    $package_type_exists = (bool) PackageType::load('for_deletion');
      ->assertFalse($package_type_exists, 'The package type has been deleted from the database.');



Namesort descending Description
PackageTypeTest Tests the package type UI.