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function commerce_shipping_rates_cache_get in Commerce Shipping 7.2

Retrieves cached shipping rates for an order.


string $method: The name of the shipping method the rates are being cached for.

object $order: The order the rates were calculated for.

int $timeout: Number of seconds after which cached rates should be considered invalid. Defaults to 0, meaning cached rates are only good for the current page request.

Return value

array|bool A cached array of base rate price arrays keyed by shipping service name or FALSE if no cache existed or the cache is invalid based on the timeout parameter if specified.


./commerce_shipping.module, line 699
Defines a system for calculating shipping costs associated with an order.


function commerce_shipping_rates_cache_get($method, $order, $timeout = 0) {
  $cache = cache_get($order->order_id . ':' . $method, 'cache_commerce_shipping_rates');

  // If no data was retrieved, return FALSE.
  if (empty($cache)) {
    return FALSE;

  // If a timeout value was specified...
  if ($cache->created < REQUEST_TIME - $timeout) {
    return FALSE;
  return $cache->data;