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function commerce_shipping_method_instance_load in Commerce Shipping 7

Returns a shipping method instance object which includes the settings specific to the context of the instance.


$instance_id: A shipping method instance ID in the form of a pipe delimited string containing the method_id and the enabling Rule's name.

Return value

The shipping method instance object which is identical to the shipping method object with the addition of the settings array.

1 call to commerce_shipping_method_instance_load()
commerce_shipping_pane_checkout_form in includes/
Checkout pane callback: builds a shipping quote selection form.


./commerce_shipping.module, line 280
Defines the shipping system and checkout integration.


function commerce_shipping_method_instance_load($instance_id) {

  // Return FALSE if there is no pipe delimeter in the instance ID.
  if (strpos($instance_id, '|') === FALSE) {
    return FALSE;

  // Explode the method key into its component parts.
  list($method_id, $rule_name) = explode('|', $instance_id);

  // Return FALSE if we didn't receive a proper instance ID.
  if (empty($method_id) || empty($rule_name)) {
    return FALSE;

  // First load the shipping method and add the instance ID.
  $shipping_method = commerce_shipping_plugin_get_plugin('quotes', $method_id);
  $shipping_method['instance_id'] = $instance_id;

  // Then load the Rule configuration that enables the method.
  $rule = rules_config_load($rule_name);

  // Iterate over its actions to find one with the matching element name and
  // pull its settings into the shipping method object.
  foreach ($rule
    ->actions() as $action) {
    if ($action
      ->getElementName() == 'commerce_shipping_enable_' . $method_id) {

      // Set label if we have any set.
      if (is_array($action->settings['shipping_method']) && !empty($action->settings['shipping_method']['shipping_label'])) {
        $shipping_method['shipping_label'] = $action->settings['shipping_method']['shipping_label'];
      if (is_array($action->settings['shipping_method']['settings'])) {
        $shipping_method['settings'] = $action->settings['shipping_method']['settings'];
  return $shipping_method;