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function hook_commerce_shipping_service_info in Commerce Shipping 7.2

Defines a shipping service.

Return value

array An associative array of shipping service info arrays keyed by machine-name. Each info array must contain values for the following keys:

  • title: the human readable title of the shipping service
  • shipping_method: the machine-name of the shipping method the service is for
  • callbacks: an array of callback function names with the following keys:
    • rate: the function used to generate the price array for the base rate of the shipping service; rate callbacks are passed two parameters, ($shipping_service, $order)

Values for the following keys are optional:

  • display_title: the title used for the service on the front end; defaults to the title
  • description: a basic description of the service
  • rules_component: boolean indicating whether or not a default Rules component should be created to be used for enabling this service on a given order; defaults to TRUE
  • price_component: the name of the price component used in the unit price of shipping line items for the service; defaults to the name of the shipping service, which is important for data selection in Rules that may need to use a variable to specify a price component... accordingly, beware of name conflicts in your service names with other price components
  • callbacks: additional callback function names may be specified for the service with the following keys:

    • details_form: the function used to generate a details form array for the shipping service to collect additional information related to the service on the checkout / admin forms; details form callbacks are passed five parameters, ($pane_form, $pane_values, $checkout_pane, $order, $shipping_service)
    • details_form_validate: the function used to validate input on the service details form; details form validate callbacks are passed five parameters:

      • $details_form,
      • $details_values,
      • $shipping_service,
      • $order,
      • $form_parents
    • details_form_submit: the function used to perform any additional processing required on a shipping line item in light of the details form; details form submit callbacks are passed three parameters, ($details_form, $details_values, $line_item)

When loaded, a shipping service info array will also contain a module key whose value is the name of the module that defined the service.

1 function implements hook_commerce_shipping_service_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

commerce_shipping_example_commerce_shipping_service_info in modules/commerce_shipping_example.module
Implements hook_commerce_shipping_service_info().
1 invocation of hook_commerce_shipping_service_info()
commerce_shipping_services in ./commerce_shipping.module
Returns an array of shipping services keyed by name.


./commerce_shipping.api.php, line 89
Contains API for commerce shipping module.


function hook_commerce_shipping_service_info() {

  // No example.