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function hook_commerce_registration_information_checkout_form_alter in Commerce Registration 7.2

Allow other modules to alter the commerce registration pane form.


array $pane_form: The commerce registration pane form that contains the registration info for the order.

array $form_state: The form's state array.

1 invocation of hook_commerce_registration_information_checkout_form_alter()
commerce_registration_information_checkout_form in includes/
Commerce checkout pane form builder callback.


./commerce_registration.api.php, line 45
API documentation for Commerce Registration module.


function hook_commerce_registration_information_checkout_form_alter(&$pane_form, $form_state) {

  // Lets add some custom instructions to the top of the form.
  $pane_form['custom_instructions'] = array(
    '#markup' => '<h2>' . t('Please fill out all fields for each registration.') . '</h2>',
    '#weight' => -100,