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function commerce_pricelist_feeds_feeds_plugins in Commerce Pricelist 7

Implements hook_feeds_plugins().


commerce_pricelist_feeds/commerce_pricelist_feeds.module, line 35
Implements the basic functionality required to create and display an entity.


function commerce_pricelist_feeds_feeds_plugins() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_pricelist_feeds') . '/plugins';
  $info = array();
  $info['FeedsCommercePricelistItemProcessor'] = array(
    'name' => 'Commerce Price list item processor',
    'description' => 'Create and update commerce price list items.',
    'help' => 'Create and update commerce price list items from parsed content.',
    'handler' => array(
      'parent' => 'FeedsProcessor',
      'class' => 'FeedsCommercePricelistItemProcessor',
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path,
  return $info;