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function commerce_pricelist_unit_price_amount in Commerce Pricelist 7

Rules action: set the price to a specific amount and apply inclusive taxes.

See also




./, line 122
Rules integration for line items.


function commerce_pricelist_unit_price_amount($line_item, $amount, $component_name, $round_mode) {
  if (is_numeric($amount)) {
    $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_line_item', $line_item);
    $unit_price = commerce_price_wrapper_value($wrapper, 'commerce_unit_price', TRUE);

    // Calculate the updated amount and create a price array representing the
    // difference between it and the current amount.
    $current_amount = $unit_price['amount'];
    $updated_amount = commerce_round($round_mode, $amount);
    $difference = array(
      'amount' => $updated_amount - $current_amount,
      'currency_code' => $unit_price['currency_code'],
      'data' => array(),

    // If it specifies a inclusive tax and we can load it...
    if (!empty($unit_price['data']['include_tax']) && ($tax_rate = commerce_tax_rate_load($unit_price['data']['include_tax']))) {

      // Reverse apply the tax.
      $tax_amount = $difference['amount'] - $difference['amount'] / (1 + $tax_rate['rate']);
      $tax_amount = commerce_tax_rate_round_amount($tax_rate, $tax_amount);

      // Subtract taxes
      $difference['amount'] -= $tax_amount;

      // Add the tax to the data array.
      $tax_component = $difference;
      $tax_component['amount'] = $tax_amount;
      $tax_component['data']['tax_rate'] = $tax_rate;
      $wrapper->commerce_unit_price->data = commerce_price_component_add($wrapper->commerce_unit_price
        ->value(), $tax_rate['price_component'], $tax_component, TRUE);

    // Set the amount of the unit price and add the difference as a component.
    $wrapper->commerce_unit_price->amount = $updated_amount;
    $wrapper->commerce_unit_price->data = commerce_price_component_add($wrapper->commerce_unit_price
      ->value(), $component_name, $difference, TRUE);