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function commerce_pricelist_item_load_multiple in Commerce Pricelist 7

Loads multiple basic entities.

We only need to pass this request along to entity_load(), which will in turn call the load() method of our entity controller class.

3 calls to commerce_pricelist_item_load_multiple()
commerce_pricelist_get_prices in ./commerce_pricelist.module
Return an array of prices like {sku : {pricelist_id: {quantity : price }}}.
commerce_pricelist_item_list_entities in includes/
Returns a render array with all commerce_pricelist_list entities.
commerce_pricelist_item_load in ./commerce_pricelist.module
Fetch a pricelist item.


./commerce_pricelist.module, line 788
Implements the basic functionality required for price lists


function commerce_pricelist_item_load_multiple($entity_ids = FALSE, $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('commerce_pricelist_item', $entity_ids, $conditions, $reset);