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function commerce_price_decimals_formatter_handler_area_order_total_decimals::render in Commerce Price Decimals Formatter 7

Render the area.

Overrides views_handler_area::render


includes/views/handlers/, line 27
Defines an order total area handler that shows the order total field with its components listed in the footer of a View.


@file Defines an order total area handler that shows the order total field with its components listed in the footer of a View.


function render($empty = FALSE) {
  if (!$empty || !empty($this->options['empty'])) {

    // First look for an order_id argument.
    foreach ($this->view->argument as $name => $argument) {
      if ($argument instanceof commerce_order_handler_argument_order_order_id) {

        // If it is single value...
        if (count($argument->value) == 1) {

          // Load the order.
          if ($order = commerce_order_load(reset($argument->value))) {

            // Prepare a display settings array.
            $display = array(
              'label' => 'hidden',
              'type' => 'commerce_price_decimals_formatter_components',
              'settings' => array(
                'calculation' => FALSE,
                'currencies' => $this->options['currencies'],

            // Render the order's order total field with the current display.
            $field = field_view_field('commerce_order', $order, 'commerce_order_total', $display);
            return '<div class="commerce-order-handler-area-order-total">' . drupal_render($field) . '</div>';
  return '';