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Files in Commerce Price Decimals Formatter 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description name = Commerce Price Decimals Formatter description = Provides a display formatter for the price field in which you can specify the decimal places are displayed. package = Commerce (contrib) dependencies[] = commerce_price core = 7.x ; Views…
commerce_price_decimals_formatter.install commerce_price_decimals_formatter.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Commerce Price Decimals Formatter module.
commerce_price_decimals_formatter.module commerce_price_decimals_formatter.module Provides a display formatter for the price field in which you can specify the decimal places are displayed. includes/views/ Commerce Price Decimals Formatter definitions handlers. includes/views/handlers/ Defines a line item summary area handler so the summary can be plugged into the View itself. includes/views/handlers/ Defines an order total area handler that shows the order total field with its components listed in the footer of a View. modules/ name = Commerce Price Decimals for All description = Add support for other modules can use the format of Commerce Price Decimals Formmater. package = Commerce (contrib) dependencies[] = commerce_price_decimals_formatter dependencies[] =…
commerce_price_decimals_for_all.install modules/commerce_price_decimals_for_all.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Commerce Price Decimals Formatter for All module.
commerce_price_decimals_for_all.module modules/commerce_price_decimals_for_all.module Add support for other modules can use the format of Commerce Price Decimmals Formmater
README.txt README.txt Non-displayable characters.

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