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function commerce_physical_rules_order_max_dimension_comparison in Commerce Physical Product 7

Fetches the max. dimension in the order and compares it with a given value.

Calculates the maximum single dimension of any product in the order and performs a comparison on it.


./, line 104
Rules integration for commerce physical.


function commerce_physical_rules_order_max_dimension_comparison($order, $operator, $value, $unit) {
  $max_dimension = 0;
  $dimension_keys = array(

  // Get the dimensions of every product in the order.
  foreach (commerce_physical_order_dimensions($order, $unit) as $dimension) {

    // Check each of length / width / height.
    foreach ($dimension_keys as $dimension_key) {

      // If this dimension's bigger than the current max, it's the new max.
      if ($dimension[$dimension_key] > $max_dimension) {
        $max_dimension = $dimension[$dimension_key];
  switch ($operator) {
    case '<':
      return $max_dimension < $value;
    case '<=':
      return $max_dimension <= $value;
    case '==':
      return $max_dimension == $value;
    case '>=':
      return $max_dimension >= $value;
    case '>':
      return $max_dimension > $value;
  return FALSE;