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function hook_commerce_physical_product_line_item_weight_alter in Commerce Physical Product 7

Allows modules to alter the weight that has been determined for a product line item.


&$weight: The weight field value array representing the weight of the product line item, which defaults to the weight of the product times the quantity.

$line_item: The product line item object whose weight is being determined. The product data can be accessed through this line item's commerce_product field.

See also


1 invocation of hook_commerce_physical_product_line_item_weight_alter()
commerce_physical_product_line_item_weight in ./commerce_physical.module
Determines the weight to use for a product line item on an order.


./commerce_physical.api.php, line 40
Hooks provided by the Commerce Physical Product module.


function hook_commerce_physical_product_line_item_weight_alter(&$weight, $line_item) {

  // Add a one pound tare weight to the product for shipping calculation.
  $weight['weight'] += physical_weight_convert(array(
    'weight' => 1,
    'unit' => 'lb',
  ), $weight['unit']);