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function commerce_paypal_wpp_default_settings in Commerce PayPal 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/wpp/commerce_paypal_wpp.module \commerce_paypal_wpp_default_settings()

Returns the default settings for the PayPal WPP payment method.

2 calls to commerce_paypal_wpp_default_settings()
commerce_paypal_wpp_settings_form in modules/wpp/commerce_paypal_wpp.module
Payment method callback: settings form.
commerce_paypal_wpp_submit_form in modules/wpp/commerce_paypal_wpp.module
Payment method callback: checkout form.


modules/wpp/commerce_paypal_wpp.module, line 78
Implements PayPal Website Payments Pro in Drupal Commerce checkout.


function commerce_paypal_wpp_default_settings() {
  $default_currency = variable_get('commerce_default_currency', 'USD');
  return array(
    'api_username' => '',
    'api_password' => '',
    'api_signature' => '',
    'server' => 'sandbox',
    'code' => TRUE,
    'card_types' => drupal_map_assoc(array(
    'currency_code' => in_array($default_currency, array_keys(commerce_paypal_wpp_currencies())) ? $default_currency : 'USD',
    'allow_supported_currencies' => FALSE,
    'log' => array(
      'request' => 0,
      'response' => 0,