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function commerce_payleap_cof_submit_form_submit in Commerce Payleap 7

Payment method callback: checkout form submission - Card on file.

See also

MerchantServices.svc/ProcessCreditCard – Recurring Billing (SCM API Guide)


./commerce_payleap.module, line 271
Implements PayLeap payment services for use in Drupal Commerce.


function commerce_payleap_cof_submit_form_submit($payment_method, $pane_form, $pane_values, $order, $charge) {
  $info = array();
  $payment_method['settings']['txn_payleap_type'] = PAYLEAP_TXN_TYPE_RECURRING_CAPTURE;
  $billing_data = commerce_payleap_get_billing_info($order);

  // If Card on File storage is enabled and the form says to store data.
  if (module_exists('commerce_cardonfile')) {

    // If the customer specified payment using a card on file, attempt that now
    // and simply return the result.
    if (!empty($pane_values['cardonfile']) && $pane_values['cardonfile'] !== 'new') {
      $card_data = commerce_cardonfile_data_load($pane_values['cardonfile']);
      $ids = explode('|', $card_data['remote_id']);
      $info['CustomerKey'] = $ids[0];
      $info['CcInfoKey'] = $ids[1];
    else {
      if (!empty($pane_values['credit_card']['cardonfile_store']) && $pane_values['credit_card']['cardonfile_store']) {

        // First look to see if we already have cards on file for the user.
        $stored_cards = commerce_cardonfile_data_load_multiple($order->uid, $payment_method['instance_id']);

        // Prepare card to save.
        $info['CustomerKey'] = '';
        $new_card_data = array(
          'uid' => $order->uid,
          'payment_method' => $payment_method['method_id'],
          'instance_id' => $payment_method['instance_id'],
          'card_type' => 'card',
          'card_name' => $billing_data['name_on_card'],
          'card_number' => substr($pane_values['credit_card']['number'], -4),
          'card_exp_month' => $pane_values['credit_card']['exp_month'],
          'card_exp_year' => $pane_values['credit_card']['exp_year'],
          'status' => 1,

        // If we didn't find any card on file, attempt to make a new Customer Profile now.
        if (empty($stored_cards)) {

          // Submit a request to create the Customer Profile.
          if ($response = commerce_payleap_customer_profile_request($payment_method, $order, $info, 'Add')) {

            // If the Customer Profile creation was a success, store the new card.
            if ($response['status']) {

              // Get the remote ID.
              $info['CustomerKey'] = (string) $response['xml']->CustomerKey;

              // Save and log the creation of the Customer Profile.
              watchdog('commerce_payleap', 'Customer Profile @profile_id created and saved to user @uid.', array(
                '@profile_id' => $info['CustomerKey'],
                '@uid' => $order->uid,
            else {

              // Could not save the a Customer Profile.
              watchdog('commerce_payleap', 'Customer Profile save error. Unable to save profile for user @uid. @msg', array(
                '@uid' => $order->uid,
                '@msg' => $response['msg'],
        else {

          // Extract the user's Customer Profile ID from the first card's remote ID.
          $card_data = reset($stored_cards);
          $ids = explode('|', $card_data['remote_id']);
          $info['CustomerKey'] = $ids[0];

        // Could not get a Customer Profile.
        if (empty($info['CustomerKey'])) {
          $msg = t('Unable to save credit card profile.');
          if (isset($response['msg'])) {
            $msg = t('Unable to save credit card profile - @msg.', array(
              '@msg' => $response['msg'],
          drupal_set_message($msg, 'error');
          return FALSE;
        else {
          $info += array(
            'CardNum' => $pane_values['credit_card']['number'],
            'ExpDate' => $pane_values['credit_card']['exp_month'] . substr($pane_values['credit_card']['exp_year'], 2, 2),
            'NameOnCard' => $billing_data['name_on_card'],
            'Street' => $billing_data['street'],
            'Zip' => $billing_data['zip'],
            'ExtData' => $billing_data['ext_data'],
          $response = commerce_payleap_card_profile_request($payment_method, $info, 'Add');

          // If the CreditCardInfo creation was a success, store the new card on
          // file data locally.
          if ($response['status']) {

            // Build a remote ID that includes the Customer Profile ID and the new
            // CreditCardInfo ID.
            $info['CcInfoKey'] = (string) $response['xml']->CcInfoKey;
            $new_card_data['remote_id'] = $info['CustomerKey'] . '|' . $info['CcInfoKey'];

            // Save and log the creation of the new card on file.
            watchdog('commerce_payleap', 'Credit Card @card_id added to Customer Profile @profile_id for user @uid.', array(
              '@card_id' => $info['CcInfoKey'],
              '@profile_id' => $info['CustomerKey'],
              '@uid' => $order->uid,
          else {

            // But if we could not find a Customer Profile, assume the existing
            // Customer Profile ID we had is no longer valid and deactivate the card
            // data that resulted in the error.
            $card_data['status'] = 0;
            watchdog('commerce_payleap', 'Credit Card save error. Unable to save credit card for user @uid. @msg', array(
              '@uid' => $order->uid,
              '@msg' => $response['msg'],
            return FALSE;
  if (empty($info['CustomerKey']) || empty($info['CcInfoKey'])) {

    // Fallback on Direct Transaction.
    $payment_method['settings']['txn_payleap_type'] = PAYLEAP_TXN_TYPE_DIRECT_CAPTURE;
    return commerce_payleap_direct_submit_form_submit($payment_method, $pane_form, $pane_values, $order, $charge);

  // Send the tracking code.
  $info['ExtData'] = '<CertifiedVendorId>' . PAYLEAP_COMMERCE_PARTNER_ID . '</CertifiedVendorId>';
  $info += array(
    'Amount' => commerce_currency_amount_to_decimal($charge['amount'], $charge['currency_code']),
  return commerce_payleap_transaction_process($payment_method, $info, $order, $charge);