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function commerce_pado_form_alter in Commerce Product Add-on 7


./commerce_pado.module, line 13
Commerce Product Add On adds an option to entityreference fields that allows selected products to act as "add-ons" for the parent product.


function commerce_pado_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'field_ui_field_edit_form') {

     * Only add the option if this instance is attached to a Commerce Product
     * entity, and the field is of type 'entityreference.'
    if (isset($form['#instance']) && $form['#instance']['entity_type'] == 'commerce_product' && ($form['#field']['type'] == 'entityreference' || $form['#field']['type'] == 'commerce_product_reference')) {
      $form['commerce_pado_settings'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Commerce Product Add On Settings'),
        '#collapsible' => FALSE,
        '#collapsed' => FALSE,
        '#weight' => -1,
      $commerce_pado_settings = variable_get('commerce_pado_settings', array());
      $instance_id = $form['#instance']['id'];
      $form['commerce_pado_settings']['commerce_pado_on'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Offer products referenced with this field as add-on products on the Add to Cart form.'),
        '#description' => t('Each product referenced will be displayed next to a
                          checkbox on the Add to Cart form. You can control how
                          a product is displayed by the editing Add-on view in
                          the display settings of the product entity. If selected,
                          the target type must be set to <strong>Commerce Product</strong>.'),
        '#default_value' => isset($commerce_pado_settings[$instance_id]) ? $commerce_pado_settings[$instance_id] : 0,
      $form['#submit'][] = 'commerce_pado_field_settings_submit';
      $form['#validate'][] = 'commerce_pado_field_settings_validate';