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function commerce_multicurrency_commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider in Commerce Multicurrency 7

Returns currency exchange rate sync providers.

Returns all available currency exchange rate sync providers or as single provider if a code is defined. If no matching provider was found FALSE is returned.


string $code: The code of the currency exchange rate sync provider to return.

Return value

array|FALSE List of providers, provider or FALSE on failure.

2 calls to commerce_multicurrency_commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider()
commerce_multicurrency_conversion_settings_form in ./
Form to configure conversion settings.
commerce_multicurrency_sync_exchange_rates in ./commerce_multicurrency.module
Update the currency exchange rates.


./commerce_multicurrency.module, line 94
Enhancements for the commerce currency support.


function commerce_multicurrency_commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider($code = NULL) {
  $providers = module_invoke_all('commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_info');
  drupal_alter('commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_info', $providers);
  if ($code) {
    if (isset($providers[$code])) {
      return $providers[$code];
    return FALSE;
  return $providers;