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function commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_ecb in Commerce Multicurrency 7

Fetch the currency exchange rates for the requested currency combination.

Return an array with the array(target_currency_code => rate) combination.


string $currency_code: Source currency code.

array $target_currencies: Array with the target currency codes.

Return value

array Array with the array(target_currency_code => rate) combination.

2 string references to 'commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_ecb'
commerce_multicurrency_commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_info in ./commerce_multicurrency.module
Implements hook_commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_info().
hook_commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_info in ./commerce_multicurrency.api.php
Defines currency exchange rate sync providers.


./, line 20
Default currency sync callback


function commerce_multicurrency_exchange_rate_sync_provider_ecb($currency_code, $target_currencies) {
  $data = cache_get(__FUNCTION__, 'cache');
  if (!$data) {
    $ecb_rates = array();
    if (($xml = @simplexml_load_file('')) && @count($xml->Cube->Cube->Cube)) {
      foreach ($xml->Cube->Cube->Cube as $rate) {
        $ecb_rates[(string) $rate["currency"]] = (string) $rate["rate"];

      // Cache six hours.
      cache_set(__FUNCTION__, $ecb_rates, 'cache', time() + 3600 * 6);
    else {
      watchdog('commerce_multicurrency', 'Rate provider ECB: Unable to fetch / process the currency data of @url', array(
        '@url' => '',
  else {
    $ecb_rates = $data->data;
  $rates = array();
  foreach ($target_currencies as $target_currency_code) {
    if ($currency_code == 'EUR' && isset($ecb_rates[$target_currency_code])) {
      $rates[$target_currency_code] = $ecb_rates[$target_currency_code];
    elseif (isset($ecb_rates[$currency_code]) && $target_currency_code == 'EUR') {

      // Reverse rate calculation.
      $rates[$target_currency_code] = 1 / $ecb_rates[$currency_code];
    elseif (isset($ecb_rates[$currency_code]) && isset($ecb_rates[$target_currency_code])) {

      // Cross rate calculation.
      $rates[$target_currency_code] = $ecb_rates[$target_currency_code] / $ecb_rates[$currency_code];
  return $rates;