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Files in Commerce Mollie 7

Primary tabs

File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
Autoloader.php Mollie/API/Autoloader.php
Base.php Mollie/API/Resource/Base.php
Client.php Mollie/API/Client.php name = Commerce Mollie description = Implements Mollie payment services for use with Drupal Commerce. Accept iDEAL, Mister Cash, Creditcard, bank transfer, PayPal, and paysafecard online payments without fixed monthly costs or any punishing…
commerce_mollie.module commerce_mollie.module
Exception.php Mollie/API/Exception.php
Issuer.php Mollie/API/Object/Issuer.php
Issuers.php Mollie/API/Resource/Issuers.php
LICENSE.txt LICENSE.txt GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this…
List.php Mollie/API/Object/List.php
Method.php Mollie/API/Object/Method.php
Methods.php Mollie/API/Resource/Methods.php
Payment.php Mollie/API/Object/Payment.php
Payments.php Mollie/API/Resource/Payments.php
README.txt README.txt Commerce Mollie =============== Summary ------- Drupal Commerce Payment module for Mollie Payment Services Implements Mollie payment services for use with Drupal Commerce. Accept iDEAL, Mister Cash, Creditcard, bank transfer, PayPal,…
Refund.php Mollie/API/Object/Payment/Refund.php
Refunds.php Mollie/API/Resource/Payments/Refunds.php

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