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function commerce_migrate_ubercart_migration_plugins_alter in Commerce Migrate 3.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/ubercart/commerce_migrate_ubercart.module \commerce_migrate_ubercart_migration_plugins_alter()
  2. 3.1.x modules/ubercart/commerce_migrate_ubercart.module \commerce_migrate_ubercart_migration_plugins_alter()

Implements hook_migration_plugins_alter().

Since products are nodes in Ubercart 6 and Ubercart 7 migrations, primarily the field and node migrations are altered to prevent the duplication of products as nodes and that fields are on the correct entities. For Ubercart 6 sources the process pipeline determines the destination entity type. For Ubercart 7 source The approach is to modify the source row so it appears as if the source site has an* entity type of commerce_product. By doing so, a situation is created where the migrate_map tables have the data needed so that future migration_lookups on node_type, node and field migration will work.

In general, this is accomplished by adding rows when needed, as in the case of d7_field migration or a separate migration, such as uc_product_type.

The node type migrations are altered to skip product type rows. The counterpart is the migration uc6_product_type which will only return product node types.

For example, the d7_field migration is altered to use a custom source plugin which add rows to be processed. When a field is detected that is on a product node and another entity the current row is saved and a new row is added for this field on a commerce_product entity. This all happens before the row is processed. When the row is processed the d7_field migrate_map table will have a row for each field on each entity. This allows migration_lookups done in other migrations, that also alter the row early, to produce the desired result.

Node type: Add a process that skips the row if the the source property 'product_type' is NULL. Field: Alter the entity type process so that the entity type can be set up in the prepareRow event. And add a process so an field storage entity can be made in the process, not the destination. Field instance, Field formatter, Field widget: Alter the entity type process so that the entity type can be set up in the prepareRow event. Add a process that determines the bundle type. View mode: Alter the entity type process so that the entity type can be set up in the prepareRow event. Node: For product type node migrations alter the source and destination plugins. And add processes for product specific properties.

See also




modules/ubercart/commerce_migrate_ubercart.module, line 135
Contains commerce_migrate_ubercart.module.


function commerce_migrate_ubercart_migration_plugins_alter(&$migrations) {

  // Remove payment migration when commerce_price is not installed.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler */
  $moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
  if (!$moduleHandler
    ->moduleExists('commerce_price')) {

  // Ubercart 6 stored products as nodes. Modify the node migrations so that
  // products are saved as a commerce_product entity. Modify the field
  // migrations so that fields on products are saved as commerce fields not
  // node fields.
  foreach ($migrations as $key => &$migration) {

    /** @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigratePluginManager $migration_plugin_manager */
    $migration_plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migration');
    $migration_stub = $migration_plugin_manager

    /** @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateSourcePluginManager $source_plugin_manager */
    $source_plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migrate.source');
    $configuration = $migration['source'];
    $source = $source_plugin_manager
      ->createInstance($migration['source']['plugin'], $configuration, $migration_stub);

    // Alter node type or Term node migrations if it is not a product type or
    // product variation type migration.
    if (Utility::classInArray($source, [
    ])) {
      if (!Utility::classInArray($source, [
      ])) {

        // Add process so that the row will be skipped if is a product type.
        $migration['process']['product_type'] = [
            'plugin' => 'skip_on_empty',
            'source' => 'product_type',
            'method' => 'row',
    if (is_a($source, LanguageContentSettings::class)) {

      // There are two language content settings migrations, one for node types
      // of type node and one for nodes that are products. Add a process to each
      // so that process can determine which rows to skip, because they are not
      // the type matching the destination. Two migrations are needed because
      // d6_language_content_settings has a destination configuration value,
      // content_translation_update_definitions, that is not changeable in the
      // process pipeline.
      // @todo Update when is resolved.
      $migration['process']['product_type'] = [
          'plugin' => 'skip_on_empty',
          'source' => 'product_type',
          'method' => 'row',

    // Alter the field plugins so that fields on a product node become fields
    // on a commerce product entity type.
    if (is_a($migration['class'], FieldMigration::class, TRUE)) {

      // For Ubercart 6 add a process so that field storage will be made when
      // the field exists on both a product node and a non product node.
      if (Utility::classInArray($source, [
      ])) {
        $migration['process']['entity_type'] = 'entity_type';
        $migrations[$key]['process']['ubercart_field_storage'] = [
          'plugin' => 'uc6_field_storage_generate',
          'source' => 'ubercart_entity_type',

      // For Ubercart 7 use a custom source plugin to add new rows to create
      // field storage for both a node and product for the given field.
      if (Utility::classInArray($source, [
      ])) {
        $migration['source']['plugin'] = 'uc7_field';
        $migration['process']['entity_type'] = [
          'plugin' => 'uc7_entity_type',

      // D6 Field instance, field formatter, field instance widget settings.
      if (Utility::classInArray($source, [
      ], FALSE)) {
        $migration['process']['entity_type'] = 'entity_type';

        // Add processing to determine the bundle.
        $migration['process'] = _commerce_migrate_ubercart_alter_entity_type_process($migration['process'], 'bundle');
        $migration['migration_dependencies']['required'][] = 'uc6_product_type';

      // D7 Field instance, field formatter, field instance widget settings and
      // D7 view modes.
      if (Utility::classInArray($source, [
      ], FALSE)) {
        $migration['process']['entity_type'] = [
          'plugin' => 'uc7_entity_type',

        // Add processing to determine the bundle.
        $migration['migration_dependencies']['optional'][] = 'uc7_product_type';
        $migration['migration_dependencies']['optional'][] = 'uc7_comment_type';

    // For Ubercart 6 view mode change the source plugin so that the type name
    // can be added to the row. This allows the process pipeline to determine
    // if the row is for a node type that is a product or a node.
    if (is_a($source, D6ViewMode::class)) {
      $migration['source']['plugin'] = 'uc6_view_mode';
      $migration['process']['targetEntityType'] = 'entity_type';
      $migration['migration_dependencies']['required'][] = 'uc6_product_type';

    // Ubercart 7 view mode only requires the addition of a dependency.
    if (is_a($source, D7ViewMode::class)) {
      $migration['source']['plugin'] = 'uc7_view_mode';
    if (Utility::classInArray($source, [
    ])) {
      if (isset($migration['source']['node_type'])) {
        if (is_a($source, D6Node::class)) {
          $version = 'uc6';
        else {
          $version = 'uc7';

        // Modify the process for all node migrations that are products.
        $node_type = $migration['source']['node_type'];
        $product_node_types = _commerce_migrate_ubercart_get_product_node_types($migrations);
        if (in_array($node_type, $product_node_types)) {

          // This is a node type for a product so alter the migration.
          $migration['source']['plugin'] = $version . '_product';
          $migration['process']['product_id'] = 'tnid';
          $migration['process']['type'] = 'type';

          // Add product specific processes.
          $migration['process']['variations/target_id'] = [
              'plugin' => 'migration_lookup',
              'migration' => $version . '_product_variation',
              'source' => 'tnid',
              'plugin' => 'skip_on_empty',
              'method' => 'row',
          $migration['process']['stores/target_id'] = 'stores';
          $migration['destination']['plugin'] = 'entity:commerce_product';
          $migration['migration_dependencies']['required'][] = $version . '_store';
          $migration['migration_dependencies']['required'][] = $version . '_product_variation';

          // Products in D8 do not support revisions.
          if (Utility::classInArray($source, [
          ])) {