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DestinationCategoryTest.php in Commerce Migrate 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_migrate_shopify\Kernel\Plugin\migrate;

use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\commerce_migrate\Kernel\Plugin\migrate\DestinationCategoryTestTrait;

 * Tests that all migrations are tagged as either content or configuration.
 * @requires module migrate_plus
 * @group commerce_migrate
 * @group commerce_migrate_shopify
class DestinationCategoryTest extends KernelTestBase {
  use DestinationCategoryTestTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * Tests Commerce 1 migrations are tagged as either Configuration or Content.
  public function testMagento2Categories() {
    $migrations = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migration')
      ->assertArrayHasKey('shopify_product_variation', $migrations);



Namesort descending Description
DestinationCategoryTest Tests that all migrations are tagged as either content or configuration.