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class CategoryTerm in Commerce Migrate 3.1.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/magento/src/Plugin/migrate/source/magento2/CategoryTerm.php \Drupal\commerce_migrate_magento\Plugin\migrate\source\magento2\CategoryTerm
  2. 3.0.x modules/magento/src/Plugin/migrate/source/magento2/CategoryTerm.php \Drupal\commerce_migrate_magento\Plugin\migrate\source\magento2\CategoryTerm

Yields each taxonomy term and vocabulary pair..

The cell containing the Magento categories is a comma separated list of the categories assigned to the product variation in this row. Each category is a string of categories with a forward slash delimiter. The first one is the top level category and it is used as the taxonomy vocabulary. The following categories are terms in that vocabulary listed in hierarchical order.

Consider this example.

Default Category/Gear/Bags,Special Category/Collections/New Yoga Collection

In this case, 'Default Category' and 'Special Category' are the top level and will be migrated to vocabularies, with machine name 'default_category' and 'special_category' respectively.

Plugin annotation

  id = "magento2_category_term_csv"


  • class \Drupal\commerce_migrate_magento\Plugin\migrate\source\magento2\CategoryTerm extends \Drupal\migrate_source_csv\Plugin\migrate\source\CSV

Expanded class hierarchy of CategoryTerm


modules/magento/src/Plugin/migrate/source/magento2/CategoryTerm.php, line 29


View source
class CategoryTerm extends CSV {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function initializeIterator() {
    $file = parent::initializeIterator();
    return $this

   * Prepare one row per taxonomy term field in the source.
   * @param \Generator $file
   *   The source CSV file object.
   * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
   * @return \Generator
   *   A new row with properties, 'vocabulary', 'parent' and 'term'.
   * @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  public function getYield(\Generator $file) {
    foreach ($file as $row) {
      $new_row = $row;
      $categories = explode(',', $row['categories']);
      foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $names = explode('/', $category);

        // Set the vocabulary key to this name.
        $new_row['vocabulary'] = $names[0];
        $previous_name = '';

        // Build a row for each term name.
        foreach ($names as $name) {
          if ($previous_name) {
            $new_row['parent'] = $previous_name;
          $previous_name = $name;
          $new_row['name'] = $name;
          (yield $new_row);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CategoryTerm::getYield public function Prepare one row per taxonomy term field in the source.
CategoryTerm::initializeIterator public function