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CommercePriceTest.php in Commerce Migrate 3.1.x


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namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_migrate_commerce\Unit\Plugin\migrate\process\commerce1;

use Drupal\commerce_migrate_commerce\Plugin\migrate\process\commerce1\CommercePrice;
use Drupal\migrate\MigrateSkipRowException;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\process\MigrateProcessTestCase;

 * Tests the Commerce Price plugin.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\commerce_migrate_commerce\Plugin\migrate\process\commerce1\CommercePrice
 * @group commerce_migrate_commerce
class CommercePriceTest extends MigrateProcessTestCase {

   * Tests Commerce Price plugin.
   * @dataProvider providerTestCommercePrice
  public function testCommercePrice($value = NULL, $expected = NULL) {
    $configuration = [];
    $this->plugin = new CommercePrice($configuration, 'map', []);
    $value = $this->plugin
      ->transform($value, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');
      ->assertSame($expected, $value);

   * Data provider for testSubstr().
  public function providerTestCommercePrice() {

    // Test the input amount > 0 with different fraction digits.
    $tests[0]['value'] = [
      'amount' => '234',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
      'fraction_digits' => 0,
    $tests[0]['expected'] = [
      'number' => '234',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
    $tests[1]['value'] = $tests[0]['value'];
    $tests[1]['value']['fraction_digits'] = 1;
    $tests[1]['expected'] = [
      'number' => '23.4',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',

    // Tests with fractional input.
    $tests[2]['value'] = [
      'amount' => '234.56',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
      'fraction_digits' => 0,
    $tests[2]['expected'] = [
      'number' => '234.56',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
    $tests[3]['value'] = [
      'amount' => '234.56',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
      'fraction_digits' => 3,
    $tests[3]['expected'] = [
      'number' => '0.23456',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
    return $tests;

   * Tests that exception is thrown when input is not an array.
   * @dataProvider providerTestNotArray
  public function testNotArray($value = NULL) {
      ->expectExceptionMessage("CommercePrice input is not an array for destination 'new_value'");
    $this->plugin = new CommercePrice([], 'test_format_date', []);
      ->transform($value, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'new_value');

   * Data provider for testSubstr().
  public function providerTestNotArray() {

    // Test input not an array.
    $tests[0]['value'] = NULL;
    $tests[1]['value'] = 'string';
    $tests[2]['value'] = 1;
    return $tests;

   * Tests that exception is thrown when input is not valid.
   * @dataProvider providerTestInvalidValue
  public function testInvalidValue($value = NULL) {
      ->expectExceptionMessage("CommercePrice input array is invalid for destination 'new_value'");
    $this->plugin = new CommercePrice([], 'test_format_date', []);
      ->transform($value, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'new_value');

   * Data provider for testSubstr().
  public function providerTestInvalidValue() {

    // Missing fraction_digits key.
    $tests[0]['value'] = [
      'amount' => '234',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',

    // Missing currency_code key.
    $tests[1]['value'] = [
      'amount' => '234',
      'fraction_digits' => 0,

    // Missing amount key.
    $tests[2]['value'] = [
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
      'fraction_digits' => 0,

    // Invalid fraction_digits.
    $tests[3]['value'] = [
      'amount' => '234',
      'currency_code' => 'NZD',
      'fraction_digits' => -1,
    $tests[4]['value'] = [];
    return $tests;



Namesort descending Description
CommercePriceTest Tests the Commerce Price plugin.