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function commerce_invoice_pdf_download_invoices_submit in Commerce Invoice 7.2

Assembles a unique URI for the archive.


modules/pdf/commerce_invoice_pdf.module, line 383
The Commerce Invoice PDF module.


function commerce_invoice_pdf_download_invoices_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $dir = 'private://commerce_invoice/archives';
  if (!file_prepare_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS)) {
    throw new Exception(t('The directory does not exist or is not writable: @dir', [
      '@dir' => $dir,
  $destination = $dir . basename($form_state['values']['filename']) . '.zip';

  // If the chosen filename already exists, file_destination() will append
  // an integer to it in order to make it unique.
  $destination = file_destination($destination, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
  return array(
    'destination' => $destination,