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function commerce_gc_giftcard_still_valid_alter in Commerce GC 7

Determine whether a giftcard already is attached to an order is still valid. Similar to hook_commerce_coupon_coupon_still_valid_alter, but this one runs during the commerce_cart_order_refresh implementation of Commerce GC when we are deciding which giftcard usage line items are still valid.


boolean $valid: Whether or not the coupon may still apply.

EntityDrupalWrapper $coupon_wrapper: The giftcard coupon being evaluated

EntityDrupalWrapper $order_wrapper: The order that the giftcard is attached to


./commerce_gc.api.php, line 18


function commerce_gc_giftcard_still_valid_alter(&$valid, $coupon_wrapper, $order_wrapper) {

  // Invalidate giftcard coupons on orders older than a day
  if ($order_wrapper->created
    ->value() + 86400 < REQUEST_TIME) {
    $outcome = FALSE;