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Files in Commerce Free Shipping 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
commerce-free-shipping-admin.css includes/commerce-free-shipping-admin.css .commerce-free-shipping-admin-form .base { background-color: #fef5f1; } .commerce-free-shipping-admin-form { background-color: #f8fff0; } .commerce-free-shipping-admin-form fieldset { background-color:… Commerce free shipping admininistration settings form. name = Commerce Free shipping description = Provides method for free shipping. core = 7.x package = Commerce (contrib) configure = admin/commerce/config/free-shipping dependencies[] = entity dependencies[] = commerce_cart dependencies[] =…
commerce_free_shipping.install commerce_free_shipping.install Commerce Free Shipping install function
commerce_free_shipping.module commerce_free_shipping.module Implements hook_commerce_shipping_service_info_alter() to change the price of the shipping service, when it's needed. Default rules configurations for Shipping.
commerce_free_shipping.test tests/commerce_free_shipping.test Functional tests for the commerce free shipping module.
README.txt README.txt Overview This module provide a solution to add Free shipping rate on top of commerce_shipping services. Simply working, and don't need rules. You can use this module to have a free shipping rate by: - Shipping service - Total amount of the…

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