30 uses of COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME in Commerce File 7
- CommerceFileLicenseEntity::get_file in includes/
commerce_file_license.entity.inc - File
- CommerceFileLicenseEntity::get_wrapper in includes/
commerce_file_license.entity.inc - Wrapper
- CommerceFileLicenseEntity::__construct in includes/
commerce_file_license.entity.inc - Overridden __construct()
- CommerceFileLicenseEntityController::create in includes/
commerce_file_license.controller.inc - Implements EntityAPIControllerInterface::create().
- CommerceFileLicenseEntityRulesController::__construct in ./
commerce_file.rules.inc - commerce_file_entity_info in ./
commerce_file.module - Implements hook_entity_info().
- commerce_file_field_widget_form in includes/
commerce_file.field.inc - Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- commerce_file_hook_info in ./
commerce_file.module - Implements hook_hook_info().
- commerce_file_license_access in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Checks license access for various operations.
- commerce_file_license_build_content in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Generate an array for rendering the given commerce_file_license.
- commerce_file_license_configure_types in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Set default fields for license types
- commerce_file_license_form in includes/
commerce_file_license.forms.inc - Form callback: create or edit a license.
- commerce_file_license_form_submit in includes/
commerce_file_license.forms.inc - Submit callback for commerce_file_license_form().
- commerce_file_license_form_validate in includes/
commerce_file_license.forms.inc - Validation callback for commerce_file_license_form().
- commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_line_item in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Issue licenses for files in a line item
- commerce_file_license_load_multiple in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Load multiple commerce_file_licenses based on certain conditions.
- commerce_file_license_type_get_name in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Returns the human readable name of any or all entity types.
- commerce_file_license_wrapper in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Return wrapper object for a given license
- commerce_file_menu in ./
commerce_file.module - Implements hook_menu().
- commerce_file_menu_alter in ./
commerce_file.module - Implements hook_menu_alter()
- commerce_file_permission in ./
commerce_file.module - Implements hook_permission().
- commerce_file_plugin_argument_validate_user::validate_argument in views/
handlers/ commerce_file_plugin_argument_validate_user.inc - commerce_file_rules_action_info in ./
commerce_file.rules.inc - Implements hook_rules_action_info().
- commerce_file_rules_condition_info in ./
commerce_file.rules.inc - Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
- commerce_file_set_file_target in ./
commerce_file.feeds.inc - File target callback for hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
- MigrateCommerceFileFieldHandler::_field_data_defaults in migrate/
destinations/ fields.inc - Returns the data array defaults for a Commerce File field
- _commerce_file_field_view_access in ./
commerce_file.module - Returns TRUE if a user has view access to commerce_file fields on any field instance
- _commerce_file_license_build_field_query in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Builds an EntityFieldQuery object for given inputs
- _commerce_file_license_field_query in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Return all license ids for specified field values
- _commerce_file_license_line_item_delete_references in includes/
commerce_file.entities.inc - Deletes any references to the given line item on a commerce file license. @ref commerce_line_item_delete_references()