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public function CommerceDiscountShippingTest::testCommerceDiscountShippingAndFixedAmount in Commerce Discount 7

Test a free shipping discount combined with a fixed amount discount.


tests/commerce_discount_shipping.test, line 203
Commerce Discounts shipping tests.


Testing commerce shipping discounts functionality.


public function testCommerceDiscountShippingAndFixedAmount() {
  $shipping_service_name = 'commerce_discount_cheap_shipping';
  $order = $this
    ->createDummyOrder($this->store_customer->uid, array(
    $this->product->product_id => 1,
  ), 'completed', NULL);
  module_load_include('inc', 'commerce_shipping', 'commerce_shipping.rules');
  commerce_shipping_rate_apply($order, $shipping_service_name);
  $free_shipping_discount = $this
    ->createDiscount('order_discount', 'free_shipping', $shipping_service_name, 'free_shipping', 'Free cheap shipping', 1);
    ->createDiscount('order_discount', 'fixed_amount', 1500, 'of1');

  // Recalculate discounts.
  $order_wrapper = commerce_cart_order_refresh($order);

  // Order total before discount is 1000, assert that applying both a shipping
  // discount and a fixed amount discount isn't causing the order total to
  // be negative (make sure order total is properly recalculated after the
  // free shipping discount is applied).
    ->value() == 0, 'Order total is correct when the free shipping discount has a lower weight than the fixed amount.');

  // Update the free shipping discount weight to make sure the order total
  // is correct when the shipping discount is evaluated after the fixed amount
  // discount.
  $free_shipping_discount->sort_order = 20;
  $order_wrapper = commerce_cart_order_refresh($order);
    ->value() == 0, 'Order total is correct when the free shipping discount has a higher weight than the fixed amount.');