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protected function CommerceDiscountTestBase::createDiscount in Commerce Discount 7

Create a discount.


string $discount_type: The discount type; Either 'order_discount' or 'product_discount'.

string $offer_type: The discount offer type; One of 'fixed_amount', 'percentage', 'free_products', 'free_shipping', 'percent_off_shipping' or 'shipping_upgrade'.

int|array $amount: In case of 'fixed_amount' a number: the discount amount. In case of 'percentage' a number: the percentage (a number less than 1). In case of 'free_products' an array of the product ids. In case of 'free_shipping' a string of the free shipping service name. In case of 'percent_off_shipping' an array with the percentage amount (key: 'percent', should be < 100) and the shipping service name string (key: 'service'). In case of 'shipping_upgrade' an array with the source service (key: ' source') and the target service (key: 'target').

string $name: Discount name - Optional. If given, CANNOT start with a number.

string $component_title: Component title - Optional.

Return value

object The newly created commerce_discount entity.

23 calls to CommerceDiscountTestBase::createDiscount()
CommerceDiscountConditionsTest::testCommerceProductContainsProducts in tests/commerce_discount_conditions.test
Test commerce_product_contains_products() condition.
CommerceDiscountConditionsTest::testOrderContainsProductsCondition in tests/commerce_discount_conditions.test
Tests the 'commerce_order_contains_products' rule.
CommerceDiscountShippingTest::testCommerceDiscountShippingAndFixedAmount in tests/commerce_discount_shipping.test
Test a free shipping discount combined with a fixed amount discount.
CommerceDiscountShippingTest::testCommerceDiscountShippingDiscounts in tests/commerce_discount_shipping.test
Test shipping discounts.
CommerceDiscountTest::testCartWithDiscountsDeleted in tests/commerce_discount.test
Test discount deletion.

... See full list


tests/commerce_discount_base.test, line 110
Commerce Discounts test base.


Base class for commerce discount tests.


protected function createDiscount($discount_type, $offer_type, $amount, $name = '', $component_title = '', $sort_order = 10) {

  // Create the discount offer.
  $commerce_discount_offer = entity_create('commerce_discount_offer', array(
    'type' => $offer_type,
  $offer_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_discount_offer', $commerce_discount_offer);
  switch ($offer_type) {
    case 'fixed_amount':
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_fixed_amount->amount = $amount;
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_fixed_amount->currency_code = 'USD';
    case 'percentage':
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_percentage = $amount;
    case 'free_products':

      // Product ids array should be provided for $amount.
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_free_products = $amount;
    case 'free_shipping':
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_free_shipping = $amount;
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_free_shipping_strategy = 'only_selected';
    case 'percent_off_shipping':
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_percent_off_shipping = $amount['percent'];
      if (!empty($amount[1])) {
        $offer_wrapper->commerce_percent_off_ship_serv = $amount['service'];
    case 'shipping_upgrade':
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_shipping_upgrade_target = $amount['target'];
      $offer_wrapper->commerce_shipping_upgrade_source = $amount['source'];

  // Provide default name.
  $name = $name ? $name : $discount_type . '_' . $offer_type;
  $component_title = $component_title ? $component_title : $name;

  // Create the discount.
  $values = array(
    'name' => $name,
    'label' => $name,
    'type' => $discount_type,
    'sort_order' => $sort_order,
    'component_title' => $component_title,
    'status' => TRUE,
    'export_status' => TRUE,
  $commerce_discount = entity_create('commerce_discount', $values);
  $discount_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_discount', $commerce_discount);
  $discount_wrapper->commerce_discount_offer = $commerce_discount_offer;
  return $discount_wrapper