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function commerce_discount_add_price_component in Commerce Discount 7

Adds a discount price component to the provided line item.


EntityDrupalWrapper $line_item_wrapper: The wrapped line item entity.

string $discount_name: The name of the discount being applied.

array $discount_amount: The discount amount price array (amount, currency_code).

5 calls to commerce_discount_add_price_component()
commerce_discount_add_line_item in ./
Creates a discount line item on the provided order.
commerce_discount_fixed_amount in ./
Rules action: Apply fixed amount discount.
commerce_discount_free_products in ./
Rules action: Apply free bonus products discount.
commerce_discount_percentage in ./
Rules action: Apply percentage discount.
_commerce_discount_add_shipping_discount_price_component in ./
Helper function for the shipping discount rules action.


./, line 1395
Rules integration for the Commerce Discount module.


function commerce_discount_add_price_component(EntityDrupalWrapper $line_item_wrapper, $discount_name, $discount_amount) {
  $unit_price = commerce_price_wrapper_value($line_item_wrapper, 'commerce_unit_price', TRUE);
  $discount_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_discount', $discount_name);
  $component_title = $discount_wrapper->component_title
  $current_amount = $unit_price['amount'];

  // Currencies don't match, abort.
  if ($discount_amount['currency_code'] != $unit_price['currency_code']) {

  // Calculate the updated amount and create a price array representing the
  // difference between it and the current amount.
  $discount_amount['amount'] = commerce_round(COMMERCE_ROUND_HALF_UP, $discount_amount['amount']);
  $updated_amount = $current_amount + $discount_amount['amount'];
  $difference = array(
    'amount' => $discount_amount['amount'],
    'currency_code' => $discount_amount['currency_code'],
    'data' => array(
      'discount_name' => $discount_name,
      'discount_component_title' => empty($component_title) ? t('Discount') : $component_title,

  // Set the new unit price.
  $line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->amount = $updated_amount;

  // Add the discount amount as a price component.
  $unit_price = commerce_price_wrapper_value($line_item_wrapper, 'commerce_unit_price', TRUE);
  $type = empty($component_title) ? 'discount' : check_plain('discount|' . $discount_name);
  $line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->data = commerce_price_component_add($unit_price, $type, $difference, TRUE, TRUE);