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function commerce_coupon_order_discount_ids in Commerce Coupon 7.2

Load all discounts connected to an order.

This includes line item level discounts traced through line item unit price components.


object $order: An order entity.

Return value

array A list of discount ids found on the order.

2 calls to commerce_coupon_order_discount_ids()
commerce_coupon_order_coupon_code_discounts in ./commerce_coupon.module
Load common discounts that are present in a coupon (by code) and an order.
commerce_coupon_order_has_discount in ./commerce_coupon.module
Determine whether an order has a particular discount.


./commerce_coupon.module, line 1238
Provides coupon functionality for Drupal Commerce.


function commerce_coupon_order_discount_ids($order) {
  $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
  $order_discount_ids = array();
  foreach ($order_wrapper->commerce_line_items as $line_item_wrapper) {
    if ($line_item_wrapper
      ->value()) {
      $data = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->data
      foreach ($data['components'] as $key => $component) {
        if (!empty($component['price']['data']['discount_name'])) {
          $order_discount_name = $component['price']['data']['discount_name'];
          $order_discount_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_discount', $order_discount_name);

          // Make a list of discounts present via the order's line item price
          // components.
          $order_discount_ids[] = $order_discount_wrapper->discount_id

  // Add the set of discounts directly referenced on the order.
  foreach ($order_wrapper->commerce_discounts
    ->raw() as $discount_id) {
    $order_discount_ids[] = $discount_id;
  $order_discount_ids = array_unique($order_discount_ids);
  return $order_discount_ids;