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function commerce_coupon_generate_coupon_code in Commerce Coupon 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 commerce_coupon.module \commerce_coupon_generate_coupon_code()

Generates a new unique coupon code.


$length: Optional The length of the new code.

Return value

String The new coupon code.

1 call to commerce_coupon_generate_coupon_code()
CommerceCouponEntityController::save in classes/
Saves a coupon.


./commerce_coupon.module, line 171
Coupon System for Drupal Commerce.


function commerce_coupon_generate_coupon_code($length = NULL) {

  // We define the possible characters. No 'l','1', 'i' to prevent
  // reconisation problems.
  $characters = array(
  $numberOfCharacters = count($characters);
  $codeFound = FALSE;
  if ($length == NULL) {
    $length = variable_get('commerce_coupon_default_code_size', 8);

  // We need to check if the produced coupon code is already in the
  // database. We try this for 1000 iteration. If we then not found a
  // a code, we stop. There must be an error in this case.
  for ($i = 0; $i < 1000 && $codeFound == FALSE; $i++) {
    $code = '';

    // Create the code per character
    for ($c = 0; $c < $length; $c++) {
      $randIndex = mt_rand(0, $numberOfCharacters - 1);
      $code .= $characters[$randIndex];

    // Check in the database if the generated code is already defined.
    if (commerce_coupon_code_exists($code) == FALSE) {
      $codeFound = TRUE;
  return $code;