commerce_cardonfile.module in Commerce Card on File 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Supports card on file functionality for credit card payment methods by associating card data reference IDs from payment gateways with user accounts.
commerce_cardonfile.moduleView source
* @file
* Supports card on file functionality for credit card payment methods by
* associating card data reference IDs from payment gateways with user accounts.
* Implements hook_menu().
function commerce_cardonfile_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['admin/commerce/config/cardonfile'] = array(
'title' => 'Card on file settings',
'description' => 'Configure your card on file settings.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'configure cardonfile',
'file' => 'includes/',
$items['user/%user/stored-payment-methods'] = array(
'title' => 'Stored payment methods',
'description' => 'Edit or delete your stored payment methods.',
'page callback' => 'commerce_cardonfile_overview',
'page arguments' => array(
'access callback' => 'commerce_cardonfile_user_access',
'access arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 20,
'file' => 'includes/',
$items['user/%user/stored-payment-methods/%commerce_cardonfile_data'] = array(
'title' => 'Credit card',
'page callback' => 'commerce_cardonfile_redirect_to_user',
'page arguments' => array(
'access callback' => 'commerce_cardonfile_data_access',
'access arguments' => array(
$items['user/%user/stored-payment-methods/%commerce_cardonfile_data/update'] = array(
'title' => 'Update',
'description' => 'Update a stored payment method.',
'page callback' => 'commerce_cardonfile_update',
'page arguments' => array(
'access callback' => 'commerce_cardonfile_data_access',
'access arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'file' => 'includes/',
$items['user/%user/stored-payment-methods/%commerce_cardonfile_data/delete'] = array(
'title' => 'Delete',
'description' => 'Delete a stored payment method.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access callback' => 'commerce_cardonfile_data_access',
'access arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 10,
'file' => 'includes/',
return $items;
* Determines if the current user has access to the specified account's "Stored
* payment methods" tab.
function commerce_cardonfile_user_access($account) {
global $user;
// Only show the tab if a user actually has card data on file.
$stored_cards = commerce_cardonfile_data_load_multiple($account->uid);
if (empty($stored_cards)) {
return FALSE;
// Grant access for any user with administer permission.
if (user_access('administer card data')) {
return TRUE;
// Grant access for users with permission to manage their own card data.
if ($user->uid && user_access('manage own card data') && $user->uid == $account->uid) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Determines if the current user has access to perform an operation on the
* given card data array.
function commerce_cardonfile_data_access($card_data) {
global $user;
// Grant access for any user with administer permission.
if (user_access('administer card data')) {
return TRUE;
// Grant access for users with permission to manage their own card data.
if ($user->uid && user_access('manage own card data') && $user->uid == $card_data['uid']) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Redirects from a would be card data page to the user's stored payment methods tab.
function commerce_cardonfile_redirect_to_user($account) {
drupal_goto('user/' . $account->uid . '/stored-payment-methods');
* Implements hook_permission().
function commerce_cardonfile_permission() {
return array(
'configure cardonfile' => array(
'title' => t('Configure Card on File'),
'description' => t('Update the Card on File configuration in the Store back end.'),
'restrict access' => TRUE,
'administer card data' => array(
'title' => t('Administer card data'),
'description' => t("Access and update any user's stored card data."),
'restrict access' => TRUE,
'manage own card data' => array(
'title' => t('Manage own card data'),
'description' => t('Manage your own stored card data via a tab on your user account page.'),
* Implements hook_theme().
function commerce_cardonfile_theme() {
return array(
'card_data_overview' => array(
'variables' => array(
'card_data' => array(),
* Themes a display of stored card data.
* @param $variables
* An array of theme variables including:
* - card_data: a data array for the stored card on file
function theme_card_data_overview($variables) {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_cardonfile') . '/theme/commerce_cardonfile.css');
$card_data = $variables['card_data'];
// Load the credit card helper functions from the Payment module.
module_load_include('inc', 'commerce_payment', 'includes/commerce_payment.credit_card');
$card_types = commerce_payment_credit_card_types();
// Extract the name of the card type if possible.
$card_type = t('Credit card');
if (!empty($card_types[$card_data['card_type']])) {
$card_type = $card_types[$card_data['card_type']];
// Build an array of data lines to include in the overview.
$lines = array(
t('Type:') => $card_type,
t('Cardholder name:') => check_plain($card_data['card_name']),
t('Number (last 4):') => '******' . check_plain($card_data['card_number']),
t('Expiration date:') => check_plain($card_data['card_exp_month'] . '/' . $card_data['card_exp_year']),
$output = '';
foreach ($lines as $label => $value) {
// Only add a line if it has a value.
if (!empty($value)) {
$output .= '<div class="commerce-card-data-line"><span class="label">' . $label . '</span> ' . $value . '</div>';
return '<div class="commerce-card-data">' . $output . '</div>';
* Implements hook_form_alter().
* This implementation alters any checkout form looking for the payment pane
* and seeing if its details are currently for a credit card payment method. If
* so, it adds the necessary form elements for Card on File payment, including a
* select element to use previously stored credit card information and a
* checkbox on the credit card data entry form to store the given credit card on
* file for future usage.
function commerce_cardonfile_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
// If the current form ID is for a checkout form...
if (strpos($form_id, 'commerce_checkout_form_') === 0) {
// And it specifies a valid checkout page...
if (commerce_checkout_page_load(substr($form_id, 23))) {
// And the current page's form includes the payment checkout pane...
if (!empty($form['commerce_payment'])) {
// Check to see if the currently selected payment method is Card on File
// enabled (via the cardonfile boolean in its info array).
$payment_method = commerce_payment_method_instance_load($form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#default_value']);
if (!empty($payment_method['cardonfile']) && !empty($form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card'])) {
// Add a checkbox to the credit card details container to store the
// credit card for future use.
$storage = variable_get('commerce_cardonfile_storage', 'opt-in');
if (in_array($storage, array(
))) {
$form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['cardonfile_store'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Store this credit card on file for future use.'),
'#default_value' => $storage == 'opt-out',
else {
$form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['cardonfile_store'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => TRUE,
if (!user_is_anonymous()) {
// Load any existing card data for the current payment method instance
// and user.
$stored_cards = commerce_cardonfile_data_load_multiple($form_state['account']->uid, $payment_method['instance_id']);
// Filter out expired cards.
foreach ($stored_cards as $card_id => $card_data) {
if ($card_data['card_exp_year'] < date('Y') || $card_data['card_exp_year'] == date('Y') && $card_data['card_exp_month'] < date('m')) {
// If we found any stored cards, show the options in the form.
if (!empty($stored_cards)) {
$element = variable_get('commerce_cardonfile_selector', 'radios');
$options = commerce_cardonfile_options_list($stored_cards, $element);
$form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['cardonfile'] = array(
'#type' => $element,
'#title' => t('Select a stored credit card'),
'#options' => $options,
'#default_value' => key($options),
'#weight' => -10,
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'commerce_payment_pane_checkout_form_details_refresh',
'wrapper' => 'payment-details',
// If the current value for the card selection element is not to use
// a different credit card, then hide the credit card form elements.
if (empty($form_state['values']) || $form_state['values']['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['cardonfile'] !== 'new') {
$form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['#access'] = FALSE;
// Add the CSS to hide a sole credit card icon if specified.
if (variable_get('commerce_cardonfile_hide_cc_radio_button', TRUE)) {
if (count($form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#options']) == 1) {
$form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_cardonfile') . '/theme/commerce_cardonfile.checkout.css';
* Returns an options array for selecting a card on file or choosing to use a
* different credit card.
* @param $stored_cards
* An array of stored card data arrays keyed by card_id.
* @param $element
* The form element the options array will be for, 'radios' or 'select'.
* @param $different
* Add an option to use a different credit card.
* @return
* An options array for selecting a card on file.
function commerce_cardonfile_options_list($stored_cards, $element = 'radios', $different = TRUE) {
// Load the credit card helper functions from the Payment module.
module_load_include('inc', 'commerce_payment', 'includes/commerce_payment.credit_card');
$card_types = commerce_payment_credit_card_types();
// Build an options array of stored credit cards.
$options = array();
foreach ($stored_cards as $card_id => $card_data) {
$replacement = array(
'@name' => $card_data['card_name'],
'@number' => $card_data['card_number'],
'@month' => str_pad($card_data['card_exp_month'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
'@year' => $card_data['card_exp_year'],
if (!empty($card_types[$card_data['card_type']])) {
$replacement['@type'] = $card_types[$card_data['card_type']];
else {
$replacement['@type'] = 'Card';
// Use a longer format for radio button options.
if ($element == 'radios') {
$label = t('@type belonging to @name: Ends in @number, Expires @month/@year', $replacement);
else {
$label = t('@type ending in @number, Exp. @month/@year', $replacement);
$options[$card_id] = $label;
// Add an option to use a different credit card if specified.
if ($different) {
$options['new'] = t('Use a different credit card');
return $options;
* Loads stored card data by ID.
* @param $card_id
* The local ID of the stored card data to load.
* @return
* An array containing the specified card data or FALSE if the specified card
* data does not exist.
function commerce_cardonfile_data_load($card_id) {
return db_select('commerce_card_data', 'ccd')
->condition('ccd.card_id', $card_id)
* Loads stored card data for a user by payment method instance.
* @param $uid
* The user ID of the user whose card data should be loaded.
* @param $instance_id
* The payment method instance ID to load card data for.
* @param $active
* Boolean indicating whether or not to only return active card data; defaults
* to TRUE.
* @return
* An associative array of all applicable card data keyed by card_id or an
* empty array if no matching data exists.
function commerce_cardonfile_data_load_multiple($uid, $instance_id = NULL, $active = TRUE) {
$query = db_select('commerce_card_data', 'ccd')
->condition('ccd.uid', $uid);
if (!empty($instance_id)) {
->condition('ccd.instance_id', $instance_id);
if ($active) {
->condition('ccd.status', 1);
return $query
->fetchAllAssoc('card_id', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Saves an array of card data.
* @param $card_data
* An array of card data including the following keys:
* - card_id: if present, saves an existing card data array, otherwise inserts
* the card data in a new record
* - uid: the user ID of the account the card data is being stored for
* - payment_method: the name of the payment method the card was used for
* - instance_id: the payment method instance ID containing the credentials
* that will be used to reuse the card on file
* - remote_id: the remote ID to the full card data at the payment gateway
* - card_type: short name of the credit card type if determined, based on the
* keys returned by commerce_payment_credit_card_types()
* - card_name: the name of the cardholder
* - card_number: the last 4 digits of the credit card number
* - card_exp_month: the numeric representation of the expiration month
* - card_exp_year: the four digit expiration year
* - status: integer status of the card data: inactive (0), active (1), or
* active and not deletable (2).
* @return
* The operation performed by drupal_write_record() on save; since the card
* data array is received by reference, it will contain the serial numeric
* card_id used to represent the card data locally after an insert.
function commerce_cardonfile_data_save(&$card_data) {
if (!empty($card_data['card_id']) && commerce_cardonfile_data_load($card_data['card_id'])) {
$card_data['changed'] = REQUEST_TIME;
return drupal_write_record('commerce_card_data', $card_data, 'card_id');
else {
$card_data['card_id'] = NULL;
$card_data['created'] = REQUEST_TIME;
$card_data['changed'] = REQUEST_TIME;
return drupal_write_record('commerce_card_data', $card_data);
* Deletes stored card data by local ID.
* @param $card_id
* The local ID of the card data to delete.
function commerce_cardonfile_data_delete($card_id) {
->condition($type, $id)
Name![]() |
Description |
commerce_cardonfile_data_access | Determines if the current user has access to perform an operation on the given card data array. |
commerce_cardonfile_data_delete | Deletes stored card data by local ID. |
commerce_cardonfile_data_load | Loads stored card data by ID. |
commerce_cardonfile_data_load_multiple | Loads stored card data for a user by payment method instance. |
commerce_cardonfile_data_save | Saves an array of card data. |
commerce_cardonfile_form_alter | Implements hook_form_alter(). |
commerce_cardonfile_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
commerce_cardonfile_options_list | Returns an options array for selecting a card on file or choosing to use a different credit card. |
commerce_cardonfile_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
commerce_cardonfile_redirect_to_user | Redirects from a would be card data page to the user's stored payment methods tab. |
commerce_cardonfile_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |
commerce_cardonfile_user_access | Determines if the current user has access to the specified account's "Stored payment methods" tab. |
theme_card_data_overview | Themes a display of stored card data. |