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function commerce_braintree_payement_session_delete in Commerce Braintree 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 commerce_braintree.module \commerce_braintree_payement_session_delete()
  2. 7.2 commerce_braintree.module \commerce_braintree_payement_session_delete()

Delete the "card on file" choice.

1 call to commerce_braintree_payement_session_delete()
commerce_braintree_cof_process_transaction in ./
Process the payment transaction with the info received.


./commerce_braintree.module, line 268
Implementations of the Braintree payment gateway ( for drupal commerce.


function commerce_braintree_payement_session_delete($order_id = NULL) {
  if ($order_id) {
    unset($_SESSION['order_' . $order_id]);