7 calls to _commerce_braintree_init_credentials() in Commerce Braintree 7
- commerce_braintree_cardonfile_update_delete in ./
commerce_braintree.module - Callback for card on file update or delete.
- commerce_braintree_cof_process_transaction in ./
commerce_braintree.commerce_braintree_cof.inc - Process the payment transaction with the info received.
- commerce_braintree_cof_redirect_form in ./
commerce_braintree.commerce_braintree_cof.inc - Payment method callback: redirect form.
- commerce_braintree_form_commerce_cardonfile_update_form_alter in ./
commerce_braintree.module - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- commerce_braintree_process_transaction in ./
commerce_braintree.commerce_braintree.inc - Process the payment transaction with the info received.
- commerce_braintree_redirect_form in ./
commerce_braintree.commerce_braintree.inc - Payment method callback: redirect form.
- commerce_braintree_update_card in ./
commerce_braintree.module - Menu callback. Get the query from Braintree when updating a credit card.