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function commerce_braintree_process_transaction in Commerce Braintree 7

Process the payment transaction with the info received.


object $order: The loaded order that is being processed

array $payment_method: The payment method settings

string $feedback: The parameters received from Braintree regarding the payment

bool $redirect: Specifies whether to call redirect functions or not

1 call to commerce_braintree_process_transaction()
commerce_braintree_redirect_form_validate in ./
Implements hook_redirect_form_validate().


./, line 96
Include payment method settings callback, redirect form callbacks...


function commerce_braintree_process_transaction($order, $payment_method, $feedback, $redirect = TRUE) {
  $result = Braintree_TransparentRedirect::confirm($feedback);
  _commerce_braintree_default_process_transaction($result, $order, $payment_method, $redirect);