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function commerce_bpc_setting in Commerce Bulk Product Creation 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \commerce_bpc_setting()

Retrieves a value form the variable table.


string $group: The settings group of the setting to be retrieved.

string $varname: The name of the variable to retrieve.

string $type: (optional) if set to the machine name of a product type, the function will check if a product type specific version of the value exists (i.e. a variable with the name '$varname . '_' . $product_type).

Return value

mixed If $product_type is set and a product type specific value exists, it it will be returned. Otherwise, the non-specific value will be returned. failing that, a default value will be returned.

12 calls to commerce_bpc_setting()
CommerceBpcSettingsTest::testSettingAndRetrievingSettings in ./commerce_bpc.test
Tests saving and retrieval of settings.
commerce_bpc_create_bulk_form in ./
Form constructor for the bulk creation form.
commerce_bpc_create_bulk_form_create_products_submit in ./
Form submission handler for commerce_bpc_create_bulk_form().
commerce_bpc_create_bulk_form_display_node in ./
Menu callback: Display list of node types or redirect to node type form.
commerce_bpc_create_bulk_form_validate in ./
Form validation hanlder for for commerce_bpc_create_bulk_form().

... See full list


./, line 53
Helper functions for settings-related functionality.


function commerce_bpc_setting($group, $varname, $type = NULL) {

  // We short-circuit the look-up of defaults and global settings for 'override'
  // settings, for in this case, they do not make sense.
  if ($varname == 'override') {
    return variable_get('commerce_bpc_' . $group . '_override_' . $type, FALSE);
  $defaults = commerce_bpc_setting_defaults();
  $value = isset($defaults[$group][$varname]) ? $defaults[$group][$varname] : NULL;
  $varname = 'commerce_bpc_' . $group . '_' . $varname;
  $value = variable_get($varname, $value);
  if (!empty($type) && commerce_bpc_setting($group, 'override', $type)) {
    $value = variable_get($varname . '_' . $type, $value);
  return $value;