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function commerce_billy_pdf_html in Commerce Billy 7

Helper function that returns the generated HTML for the invoice PDFs.


object[] $orders: Array of order objects.

3 calls to commerce_billy_pdf_html()
commerce_billy_pdf in modules/commerce_billy_pdf/commerce_billy_pdf.module
Page callback for invoice PDF.
commerce_billy_pdf_html_page in modules/commerce_billy_pdf/commerce_billy_pdf.module
Page callback for the HTML version of the invoice.
commerce_billy_pdf_print_invoices in modules/commerce_billy_pdf/commerce_billy_pdf.module
Callback to generate a PDF.


modules/commerce_billy_pdf/commerce_billy_pdf.module, line 166
Commerce Billy module file.


function commerce_billy_pdf_html($orders) {

  // Backwards compatibilty: also accept a single order object.
  if (is_object($orders)) {
    $orders = array(
  foreach ($orders as $order) {
    $vars['viewed_orders'][] = entity_view('commerce_order', array(
      $order->order_id => $order,
    ), 'pdf', NULL, TRUE);

    // Add a credit memo.
    if ($order->status == 'canceled') {
      $vars['viewed_orders'][] = entity_view('commerce_order', array(
        $order->order_id => $order,
      ), 'canceled', NULL, TRUE);
  $css_files = variable_get('commerce_billy_pdf_css_files', array(
    drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_billy_pdf') . '/css/pdf.css',
  if (variable_get('commerce_billy_pdf_converter', 'dompdf') == 'wkhtmltopdf') {
    $css_files[] = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_billy_pdf') . '/css/pdf_wkhtmltopdf.css';
  $vars['inline_css'] = "";
  foreach ($css_files as $file) {
    $vars['inline_css'] .= file_get_contents($file);
  return theme('commerce_billy_pdf_page', $vars);