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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Commerce Backoffice 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
CommerceBackofficeProductTestCase class ./commerce_backoffice_product.test Tests the commerce backoffice product interface.
CommerceBackofficeProductWebTestCase class ./commerce_backoffice_product.test Provides common helper methods for Commerce backoffice product module tests. 1
commerce_backoffice_content_filter_node_type class includes/views/handlers/ Filter by non product display node type.
commerce_backoffice_content_plugin_display_system class includes/views/plugins/ Plugin to handle replacement of existing system paths.
commerce_backoffice_handler_field_node_operations class includes/views/handlers/ Displays the node operations in a ctools dropbutton.
commerce_backoffice_handler_field_term_entity_tid class includes/views/handlers/ Field handler to display all taxonomy terms of an entity.
commerce_backoffice_handler_filter_term_node_tid class includes/views/handlers/ Filter by term id.
commerce_backoffice_order_handler_field_order_operations class includes/views/handlers/ Displays the order operations in a ctools dropbutton.
commerce_backoffice_product_handler_field_product_quick_edit_form class includes/views/handlers/ Display a form for editing the price and status of a variation.

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