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function commerce_avatax_calculate_tax in Drupal Commerce Connector for AvaTax 7.5

Performs Tax calculation for a given order.


EntityDrupalWrapper $order_wrapper: The wrapped order entity.

Return value

array|bool An associative array containing the request & the response, FALSE in case the request could not be performed.

2 calls to commerce_avatax_calculate_tax()
commerce_avatax_commerce_cart_order_refresh in ./commerce_avatax.module
Implements hook_commerce_cart_order_refresh().
commerce_avatax_order_admin_calculate_tax_form_submit in includes/
Form submit callback for commerce_avatax_order_admin_calculate_tax_form().


./commerce_avatax.module, line 386
AvaTax service integration from Avalara, Inc.


function commerce_avatax_calculate_tax($order_wrapper) {

  // Skip tax calculation if the option is disabled, or if the company code
  // is empty.
  if (!commerce_avatax_tax_calculation_enabled()) {
    return FALSE;
  $company_code = commerce_avatax_company_code();

  // If the company code is not configured, return FALSE.
  if (empty($company_code) || !($avatax_object = commerce_avatax_object())) {
    drupal_set_message(t("The Avatax module is not properly configured, please configure the company code."), 'error');
    return FALSE;
  $order = $order_wrapper

  // Get the customer profile to use for tax calculation.
  $field_name = commerce_avatax_get_customer_profile_field();

  // Checks if the Sales Tax needs to be calculated for this address.
  if (!$field_name || !commerce_avatax_check_address($order_wrapper, $field_name)) {

    // Delete any existing AvaTax line items from the order.
    commerce_avatax_delete_tax_line_items($order_wrapper, TRUE);

    // Remove the stored request & response from the order's data.
    $order->data['commerce_avatax'] = array();
    return FALSE;
  module_load_include('inc', 'commerce_avatax', 'includes/commerce_avatax.calc');
  $stored_request = array();

  // Retrieve the stored request in the order's data array,
  // compare it with the request that's about to be sent, and skip it if
  // unnecessary.
  if (isset($order->data['commerce_avatax']['request'])) {
    $stored_request = $order->data['commerce_avatax']['request'];

  // Prepare the request.
  $request = commerce_avatax_create_transaction($order_wrapper, 'SalesOrder');

  // In order for the request comparison to work properly,
  // make sure the "date" is the same in both arrays.
  if (isset($stored_request['date']) && isset($request['date'])) {
    $stored_request['date'] = $request['date'];

  // Stop here if the stored request in the order's object is similar to
  // the one we're about to perform (i.e no need to perform an unnecessary
  // request.
  if ($stored_request == $request) {
    return array(
      'request' => $request,
      'response' => $order->data['commerce_avatax']['response'] ? $order->data['commerce_avatax']['response'] : array(),

  // Remove the AvaTax data from the order.
  $order->data['commerce_avatax'] = array();

  // Only perform the request the request array contains a "lines" key.
  if (empty($request['lines'])) {

    // Delete the Tax line item if present.
    commerce_avatax_delete_tax_line_items($order_wrapper, TRUE);
    return FALSE;
  $response = $avatax_object
  if (empty($response['success']) || !isset($response['result']['totalTax'])) {

    // Delete the Tax line item if present.
    commerce_avatax_delete_tax_line_items($order_wrapper, TRUE);
    return FALSE;

  // Store the request & the response in the order's data.
  $order->data['commerce_avatax'] = array(
    'request' => $request,
    'response' => $response,

  // Parse the result request.
  $result = $response['result'];
  $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
  $currency_code = $order_wrapper->commerce_order_total->currency_code
  $tax_price = array(
    'amount' => commerce_currency_decimal_to_amount($result['totalTax'], $currency_code),
    'currency_code' => $currency_code,
    'data' => array(),

  // Assume VAT when the customer's country is not in the US|CA.
  $tax_type = 'sales_tax';
  if (isset($order_wrapper->{$field_name})) {
    $customer_address = $order_wrapper->{$field_name}->commerce_customer_address
    if (!in_array($customer_address['country'], array(
    ))) {
      $tax_type = 'vat';

  // Modify the existing tax line item or add a new one if that fails.
  if (!commerce_avatax_set_existing_line_item_price($order_wrapper, $tax_price, $tax_type)) {
    commerce_avatax_add_line_item($order_wrapper, $tax_price, $tax_type);

  // Update the total order price, for the next rules condition (if any).
  return array(
    'request' => $request,
    'response' => $response,